Women Renewed 

We welcome all women who would like to join us.  Our group has become a strong network of God fearing praying women, who lovingly support each other in life with words and deeds.

 Please email Sheryl if you're interested in joining this group.


The Great Disappearance - David Jeremiah

In Dr. David Jeremiah's latest prophecy book, he examines the next event on God's prophetic timetable, the Rapture. This is not a book of doom and gloom or a sensational read about setting dates, but one of hope and joy as we see the promise of God’s plan unfold all around us and grasp the power of the prophetic text surrounding the Rapture. It's "prophecy motivation," with digestible chapters that will inspire you to live boldly and expectantly in today's world.

A study guide is available for this study if you would like to join us.


Sheryl McCormick


Bible, notebook, pen/pencil


2nd & 4th Wednesdays @ 1:30 p.m.


3054 Arborwood Blvd. or Zoom